Purchasing the right plan can be complicated. If you do not have access to employer-provided in group insurance, you will need to buy individual coverage. This can be overwhelming. We can help. Call us now.

If you own a business, putting together a plan that is affordable and suitable for your employees is not easy. Know your options. Contact us for more information.

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The magic number is 65. Most people in the United States who are over 65 are eligible for Medicare. However, Medicare does not cover everything. Medicare has deductibles and coinsurance for which you are responsible. Medicare does not cover prescription drugs.

The solution: Medicare Supplement Insurance plus a prescription drug card.

Alternative solution: Medicare Advantage Plan. Call us to learn more.

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No one wants to think about life insurance, but if someone depends upon you financially, it is a topic you can’t avoid. Life Insurance provides the ‘peace of mind’ of knowing your family will have the financial means to survive your death. Many people combine a large ‘Term” policy to cover short term needs (like paying off a mortgage, child daycare and college education) with a smaller “Permanent” policy which they keep for life (for last expenses).  If you work for an employer, check out any life insurance they offer, then call us. Generally, you lose it when you leave or retire, so it needs to be coordinated with some personal coverage.

For business owners, life insurance is absolutely the least expensive and most effective way to protect your company from financial loss. Ask us about “Business Buyout” and “Key Person” Insurance. At the very least, you will need Business Liability.

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Hurt on the job? Would you be able to pay your bills? While some employers provide coverage, it is typically only “short term” and replaces just part of your salary. If you are self-employed, you must provide your own coverage.

Our Solution: coordinate a short term accident/sickness plan with a long term income replacement policy. We look for a plan which also includes partial disability so that you can return to work over time.

Important: When you purchase a policy, you need to answer questions about your age, health and health. Therefore, it is best to apply sooner rather than later.

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It may be hard to imagine now, but chances are you will need help taking care of yourself down the road. The big question you should ask yourself now, how will you pay for it? For this reason, we reccomend long term care insurance.

These policies will pay for care received in a nursing home, assisted living or home care setting. This is important because Medicare and Medicaid generally do not cover care provided by non-medical personnel.

Recommendation: Don't get stuck handling the entire bill by yourself.

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Did you know medical insurance does not generally cover dental, vision or critical Illness. How do you go about paying for those expensive trips to the dentist and eye doctor?

It's important to keep your teeth clean and healthy with routine appointments and cleanings, and Dental Insurance will help with these expenses.

Protecting your Eyesight is also important. Vision Insurance can help cushion the expense of routine maintenance.

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